two old beadies
Creative Destination, an Arizona based bead store, was celebrating it's 10th anniversary not long ago and felt a fresh rebuild of their mutually aged website was in order. This project called for a fun and imaginative design approach that still spoke to its wide demographic of patrons. The user interface implemented contemporary HTML5 elements such as parallax scrolling and the use of anchor navigation throughout the site. I also developed interactive classes and calendar widgets for viewers to access information about current events. A large element of the store's PR is through a weekly e-newsletter, so a sign-up form was coded to be persistent on every page as well. Lastly, the client wanted an extremely simple CMS to solely run a blogroll for the site. For this I chose to design a Tumblr blog for its ease of use and simplicity–and customized it to work as a sub-domain of the existing site, with the same look and feel. The end product was a fun new website that definitely helped liven-up the portrayal of Creative Destination.